Assigned Certifier

assigned-certifierSince March 2014, any new construction work in Ireland, including the design/building of a new dwelling, the extension of a dwelling by more than 40m2 and any work that requires a Fire Safety Certificate are affected by new regulations. Under these new regulations the owner has additional responsibilities including:

  • The nomination of an assigned certifier to inspect & certify the works.
  • The assignment of a competent builder to carry out the works.
  • The submission of certificates of compliance on completion of the building works.


An Assigned Certifier must be a registered architect, building surveyor or civil engineer. He / she will inspect the building works during construction (as set out in the assigned certifier inspection plan) and provide a certificate of compliance on completion.

The following outlines the duties of the Assigned Certifier:

  • Act as a single point of contact with the Building Control Authority during construction.
  • Prepare a Preliminary Inspection Plan and oversee the building works adherence to building standards prevailing.
  • Identify all specialist design and construction professionals from whom certificates are required.
  • Facilitate and manage the compilation of certificates of compliance from the design team and others for the Certificate of Compliance on Completion.
  • In consultation with the design team, plan and oversee the implementation of the Inspection Plan during Construction.
  • Upon termination or relinquishment of this appointment make available to the Building Owner all certification prepared and inspection reports carried out to date.
  • Provide and sign the Certificate of Compliance for the Undertaking and Completion.
  • Seek advice from the Building Control Authority in respect of compliance matters, relating to the building or works, where disputes or differences of opinion arise between the parties to the project.